The 2nd Annual CVLL HR Derby will be held on Saturday, May 18th at Hillcrest Park. Both baseball and softball will be participating in this fun event, players accrue points by where the ball lands, this is a fun event for all players 9-12 to participate in!!
Register your player here >>>>>>
2nd Annual CVLL Home Run Derby
Rules and Regulations:
-All players must be registered Chenango Valley Little League players for the 2024 season
-All players must be signed up on or by 5/15/24
-All players Must Have Fun!
This year's home run derby will consist of players hitting in their age group. The Top 3 players for each age group will be awarded a medal. The top hitter in each group will move up to the next age group (top hitter for 9 year olds will participate in the 10 year old group and so on). Players will get a set number of balls pitched depending on age.
Hitting Format
-Players will start in alphabetical order
-Players will get a set number of pitches per round
-After each round players are asked to go back to the starting dugout to wait for scoring to take place for next round
9,10 year olds will receive 10 pitches
11,12 year olds will receive 15 pitches
-First Round will be all the players in that age group
-Second round will be the top 50% of points from the first round
-Third and final round will be the top 3 from the second round
-If there is a tie breaker: each player will get 5 extra pitched and the longest hit will be the winner of the tie breaker and will move on
Scoring System
Home run over the fence 20 points white flag
Ball in the air over 90’ 4 Points yellow flag
Ground ball 2 Points
Both Softball and Baseball a point is only scored if the ball lands in fair play and a point is only awarded where the ball lands Not where the ball stops.
2nd Annual Home Run Derby
Layout of the day
12pm Sign in
12:45 pm Opening Speeches
12:50 pm Players Line up
12:55 pm National Anthem
1:00pm 9 year olds Start
2:00pm 10 year olds start
3:00pm 11 year olds start
4:00pm 12 year olds start
5:00pm Coaches home run
baseball and softball player on one field at this time
5:45pm Finals for 12 year olds
6:30pm Basket raffle and 50/50 drawings
6:35pm Player Awards
6:50pm Closing